Data Privacy Policy
Your privacy is very important to us. We protect your identity and your privacy through a multi-pronged approach.- The data you provide to Complex Health Solutions does not include your name or address.
- The data we do collect does not include anything that will be used to identify or to reverse-engineer individual identities — name, address, phone number.
- Your data is used to provide and improve Complex Health Solutions services to you. Complex Health Solutions’ data is also analyzed in aggregate to improve our capabilities and enhance our services to all our clients such as you. The more input we have, the better we can leverage this data to detect and predict even the most complex health conditions, thereby continually improving each successive customer’s root cause analysis.
- We never, at any time or in any way, sell, license, or provide email addresses to anyone for marketing purposes.
- Only upon your explicit request, we will share the results of your root cause analysis with your healthcare provider.